How to Answer Interview Questions which are asked Out of the Box

Not every interview starts with the phrase “Tell me about you” sometimes the interviewer may shoot questions which may seem either hypothetical or completely insane yet the employers have their own purpose and deep insights. Most of us have disastrous interview as these questions don’t come with a blueprint.
Take 10 minutes of your time to answer these five questions (not more than 2 minutes for each question).
Question 1
You are driving along in your car on a wild, stormy night, it's raining heavily, when suddenly you pass by a bus stop, and you see three people waiting for a bus:
(1)   An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.
(2)   An old friend who once saved your life.
(3)   The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.
Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing very well that there could only be one passenger in your car?
Question 2
Interviewer said "I shall either ask you ten easy questions or one really difficult question.
Think well before you make up your mind!"
The boy thought for a while and said, "My choice is one really difficult question."
"Well, good luck to you, you have made your own choice! Now tell me this. "What comes first, Day or Night?"
Question 3:
Would you rather never have internet access again or never be able to take an airplane again?
Question 4:
What is your spirit animal?
Question 5:
Three members are there in a room.
The person who came for the interview came in a hurry and knock the door
saying excuse me sir!!....he fell down on the floor and the papers are scattered on the floor..........!!!!
Interviewer: What is it?? (In a hating voice)
What do you think the interviewee might have replied?
I bet either you would have come out with your unique answers or you’re still struggling to find out what the exact answer might be. So, here we have listed out the best answers along with the other possible answers but these are not the only answers as there are numerous possibilities for out of box questions. Congrats for all those who have tried?
Question 1:
This question puts everyone in a moral/ethical dilemma.
The candidate who was hired (out of 200 applicants) had no trouble coming up with his answer. Guess what was his answer?
He simply answered:
"I would give the car keys to my Old friend and let him take the lady to the hospital. I would stay behind and wait for the bus with the partner of my dreams."
Question 2:
The boy was jolted into reality as his admission depends on the correctness of his answer, but he thought for a while and said, "It's the DAY sir!"
"How" the interviewer asked,
"Sorry sir, you promised me that you will not ask me a SECOND difficult question!"
Other possible answer:
“Sir my choice is one really difficult question and you have already asked me that question.”
Question 3:
Possible Answers:
·         I would never have internet access again as travelling helps me meet new people, experience different cultures, eat a variety of cuisines and unleashes a whole new level of awareness.
·         I would never be able to take an airplane again as internet has become one of the essential needs in our daily life. Moreover, using the internet I can visit all the places in the world without moving an inch and spending a single penny. 
Question 4:
Possible Answers:
·         A duck, because ducks are calm on the surface but hustles like crazy getting things done under the surface.
·         A fish, as fishes have a natural tendency to identify and feel even the slightest change in their environment.
·         A lioness, as lionesses is brave and is not easily satisfied unless their target is achieved. They remain calm till no one messes with their closed ones.
Question 5:
Interviewee: Pronoun Sir.
Interviewer with a smile in his face continued the interview.
By reading all these answers you would have now figured out what are all the insights the employers have when they ask these questions.
Tricks to crack these types of questions:
·         Being cool, calm and positive even when you are put into stress helps you think better and in a wider perspective.
·         Remember, there is no right or wrong answers for these questions. The answers will be considered as correct as long as the person can give proper justification for the same.
So, start thinking out of the box in all aspects of life and start justifying too. You can be more creative and people will fall for you.


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