International Test for English Languages

The voice is one of the key tools needed to communicate effectively within both the business and social environments. It is important for the voice to be clear and confident, dynamic and expressive. When the voice achieves these qualities, the effect is empowering. To enhance the voice skills, people can take TOEIC and TOEFL exams.
TOEIC stands for the Test of English for International Communication. It is run by ETS, the Educational Testing Service.
Why TOEIC is Important?
TOEIC IS an official test for people whose first language is not English and it estimates the ability of practice English necessary for daily life and international business.
There are 2 parts in the TOEIC Exam,
1. TOEIC Listening & Reading Test,

It consists of 200 multiple-choice items evenly divided between the listening and reading comprehension section. Each candidate receives independent scores for listening and reading comprehension on a scale from 5 to 495 points. Duration of the exam is 2 hrs that is minutes for Listening, and 75 minutes for Reading.  The total score adds up to a scale from 10 to 990 points

This Certificate has five levels that are mentioned in specified colors.
  •  orange (10–219)
  •  brown (220–469)
  •  green (470–729)
  •  blue (730–859)
  • gold (860–990)

2. TOEIC Speaking & Writing Test.
This test can take in online only. The tests take in total 1½ hours to complete, if taken together. Test takers speak and write in English and give their responses to real-world questions and scenarios. The test does not require specialized knowledge or vocabulary beyond that of a person who uses English in everyday life and work activities.
Speaking test lasts for 20 mins and writing test for 60 mins.

Score Reports

Score Reports for Test Takers
When test takers participate in the Public Testing Program and take the TOEIC Speaking and Writings tests independently, they receive a score report directly from ETS Global.
TOEIC Bridge Test
Bridge test enables us to verify our current level of English-language proficiency, set your own goals and monitor your progress in learning English.
The TOEIC Bridge test is available in paper-and-pencil or online formats, which makes it easy to administer anywhere at any time. This test measures an individual's ability to listen to and read every day English. The test does not require specialized knowledge or vocabulary beyond that of a person who uses English in daily life and minimal workplace English communicative activities. There are two timed sections of 50 multiple-choice questions each.
Who can take this test?
  • universities
  • colleges
  • corporations
  • language schools
  • manufacturing companies
  • government agencies
The TOEIC Bridge Can-Do Guide (PDF) may help you to know about TOEIC Bridge scores.

TOEFL is Test of English as a Foreign Language.

What is the purpose?
To assess the English language proficiency of non-native English speakers.
Test Pattern:
TOEFL test has both Internet based test and Paper based Test.
TOEFL Internet Based Test:
It has 4 sections such as Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing.
Duration of the exam is 4hrs.
TOEFL Paper Based Test:
It has 3 sections such as  Listening, Reading Comprehension, Writing 
TOEFL Scholarship:  Test takers from India, Japan, China Korea and Taiwan are eligible for the TOEFL scholarship. 


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