Test Your Ability with Linguaskills
Cambridge offers a lot of exams to test the level of each student and where they stand on an international ground. Amongst all the exams Linguaskills and Bulats are the only exams that assesses a person’s capability at all levels. Linguaskills is a multilevel test that is designed to help organizations assess large group of candidates in the General English. This exam is flexible according to the needs of the employer. It provides detailed results on the ability of the candidates which help both the employer and the test taker. Linguaskills produces accurate and reliable results as it was given as a trail to more than 240 learners of English in 2016. This helped the researchers to come to the conclusion that the test’s artificial intelligence technology is fidelity and fair. Why Linguaskills? Linguaskills is flexible to the needs of the organizations as the employers can decide how they can conduct the exams. This exam tests all the four skills with listening and...