Five Methods to Improve All Your English Skills Reading

To continue improving your reading skills, choose a newspaper  you have never read before. Choose a genre of novels that is new to you. If you read a wider variety of genres and authors, you will encounter more varied language and you will be more likely to learn something new.


Listen more audio speeches

The Productive Skills
Now we will discuss the next type of language skills! Writing and speaking are the productive skills. You will need to create English sentences yourself, sometimes without any input.Many learners find that these are more difficult because they require more knowledge about English and how it works.


Test your ability to write to different people
Just because you do not need to use a more advanced grammar pattern does not mean that you should avoid advanced grammar. Try to use it all the time!
Think about:
·        Past tense
·        Progressive tense
·        Future tense
·        Conditional Statements
·        Commands

Challenge yourself with new vocabulary. Just like with grammar, most language learners understand much more vocabulary than they actually use.


Incorporate idioms and expressions into your speech

Native speakers of every language use a lot of idioms and phrases in their everyday speech. Every day, make a list of five idioms that you would like to use. It is okay to repeat a few of the idioms for many days, or even weeks. The, challenge yourself to find appropriate moments in the day to use them. Even if you are speaking your own native language all day at work, you can do this silently in your own mind.
Then the next time you find a good moment to use them in English, they will come more readily to your lips, and your English will sound more carefree and natural.


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