Why Voice Institution

Why Voice Institution, Despite Plethora Of Institutions And YouTube Channels Available?
“We bring about linguistic competence among students at global standard and to set a benchmark in their transcending educational career.”
Anyone can start a YouTube channel in any stream could be mathematics, science, or language but do the viewer’s know they are legit and eligible for teaching the concept.
You learn whatever the you tuber knows, the knowledge is limited. He reads the subject from books or an internet and republishes in a way he / she understood. YouTube is not doing any content checking whether it is reliable or manipulated.
Whereas in Voice,
A team of qualified selected teachers who are certified by the Cambridge and ETS as authentic trainers for English, they analyze the language and find an easy way to teach and explain the concepts with activities which would retain in students or person from any discipline memory for the long time,(i.e. we call it as LTM- Long term memory).
We at voice provide the best training program me for all the high stake assessment like TOEFL, IELTS, CAE, PTE, etc...
Besides teaching you do get a full-time support from our team members. At the end of the course you can take test depending on your need or Place you want to carry upon your career/studies.
We the voice institution is the only authentic and authorized institution to train as well conduct test. It is like an end to end package.
In what way the trainers at voice differ from other similar institutions?
The trainers will undergo monthly assessment on their quality so you get knowledge of highly qualified trainers. The trainers are academically brilliant and superbly creative.
The learning methodologies developed by CAE examiners and young group of trainers, who are always handpicked after undergoing several process and their quality is assessed by the chieftain of voice institute.
Features of Voice institute:
·         Pre-assessment done at the very beginning.
·         Engaging class sessions by certified trainers, enabling conceptual clarity.
·         Adaptive testing module for personalized learning.
·         Chapter wise (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking) tests with detailed feedback, record and review.
·         Preparation charts for in home learning.
·         Adaptive learning personalized to every student level.
·         One-on-One session with a personal mentor.
·         Mock Speaking session by ex-ETS Examiners.


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