TOEFL Insights

TOEFL scoring basics
The TOEFL IBT test is broken into four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. Each section is worth a maximum of 30 points, for a possible combined score of 120.
The TOEFL is a standardized exam, which means that ETS uses a specific (and secret) calculation to generate your final score. This process of equating scores compensates for the fact that some versions of the TOEFL exam are more difficult than other versions, ultimately making all scores directly comparable.
TOEFL score ranking
As you can see from the info graphic, different universities – and even different programs within universities – require different scores. This makes ranking TOEFL scores extra challenging.
The important thing to understand is that there isn’t one good score. Instead, each program has a preferred score range. Knowing your program’s preferences will help you plan your TOEFL preparation and allow you to set a personal score goal.
Business School Required Minimum TOEFL Score
Stanford 100
Chicago (Booth) 104
Pennsylvania (Wharton) average score = 110; no specified minimum score
Northwestern (Kellogg) average score = 109; no specified minimum score
Dartmouth (Tuck) no specified minimum score
Do you want to study abroad? You may be asking yourself for the first time or maybe you have thought about it before. Everyone's path to going abroad is different, but the starting point is the same–deciding that you want to go!
Do you know where and what you would like to study?
Do you think it would be a valuable experience, but have some concerns?
Going abroad can make you more marketable when looking for potential jobs! Many employers look for candidates with study abroad experience and strong language skills.
Pursue your dreams and go anywhere with the TOEFL test.
Good TOEFL scores for top universities — and your TOEFL results
If you’re taking the TOEFL as part of your college applications, you’re probably asking yourself, “Is my TOEFL score good enough to get me accepted to my dream program?”
If you don’t know what score to aim for, the test stress won’t stop — even after you’ve received your results (ETS posts TOEFL scores online about 10 days after the test date). How do you know if your TOEFL score is good enough?
The answer: It depends on where you’re applying.
Good TOEFL results are the scores that meet (or exceed) the minimum requirements for the program you want to attend. Each university has a different required or recommended TOEFL score range for each of their programs. It’s important to find out what your dream university considers a top TOEFL score. Once you know what score to aim for, you can plan your TOEFL preparation around that goal.


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